


Transforming Birthday Cake – Optimus Prime

Russell Munro helped create a robotic transforming birthday cake for his son, using 3D printing to help build its frame:

My boy asked for a Transformers cake for his 6th birthday. I decided to up the ante, my wife did the actual cake. 

Here is a short demo of the actual robotic frame itself, complete with Transformers sound clips:


Transforming. Cake. This is the best thing!

Holy. Shit. 

Why do people wanna make more megop kids when Megs and OP already have some? Roddy and Bee are basically OP’s kids, and Megs picked up Tarn, Soundwave, and Deadlock off the streets and Overlord more or less forced Megs into adopting him. …Oh gods, can you imagine family dinner? @_@ Roddy and Tarn try to kill each other every time Megs and OP look away, Overlord is makes his food into gory “art”, Deadlock steals everyone’s knives, Bee is hiding under the table, and only SW is behaving


My hand regrets drawing the Horde™ 

(and a little extra since I sketched it out)


So two things:

1)  BLESS Priscilla Tramontano’s art, I mean GODDAMN.

2)  What I love about this most apart from how gorgeous Jazz looks is that he breaks out of those chains with no effort about a page later, which means that a) he’s totally down with being tied up, just saying and b) Spike Witwicky, the guy who made a huge deal back in the Ongoing about how he’d learned to kill a Cybertronian with! common! household! items!, actually has no idea how to hurt or even restrain a Cybertronian who doesn’t want to be restrained.  I enjoy the fact that Optimus Prime is like 30% by volume just everyone pointing out what a moron Spike is.

#i love how innocent he looks as well #like the vague little expression and the relaxed limbs #‘who me? the spymaster? known associate of autobot specops? able to wriggle out of these skinny little chains? perish the thought’   [via @thepraxianweasleygeek]

100% THIS. 🙂

His expression is absolutely a flat, “Oh no, you got me, whatever will I do,” and it’s the most Jazz thing imaginable.  I love that.

So two things:

1)  BLESS Priscilla Tramontano’s art, I mean GODDAMN.

2)  What I love about this most apart from how gorgeous Jazz looks is that he breaks out of those chains with no effort about a page later, which means that a) he’s totally down with being tied up, just saying and b) Spike Witwicky, the guy who made a huge deal back in the Ongoing about how he’d learned to kill a Cybertronian with! common! household! items!, actually has no idea how to hurt or even restrain a Cybertronian who doesn’t want to be restrained.  I enjoy the fact that Optimus Prime is like 30% by volume just everyone pointing out what a moron Spike is.