

Happy Early Winter Solstice @mako-doodles ! Thank you for inspiring me and always being there 💜 Wishing you the very best 💜

*chokes up and sobs*

He’s so wonderful, thank you. Honestly you’ve seen me through some dark days (and vice versa) and you stick around and frankly that is just ride and die loyalty to me💜💜💜

I can’t wait until you receive your present and I really hope it will make you happy!

(Like seriously, I’d love to see your reaction I’m so excited) ;D





Okay in my house we have a strange tradition. My mother builds this beautiful Christmas village.

It wraps all around our house through the rooms and under the trees and it’s wonderful.

Every year she hides the Christmas Vampire

This started when I was a very small got child and spread to all of my friends, including my best friend from elementary school who I just so happened to grow up and marry. Now that we have grown up and moved nearly 600 miles away we still always go home for a week at Christmas for multiple reasons, including the Christmas Vampire.

Needless to say we still partake and things have gotten heated.

Stay tuned for the epic conclusion and to see my husband and father in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s sooty costume when I find the Christmas Vampire First!

Happy Haunting!

Dad has no fricken clue how to trash talk and I don’t trust him in the slightest.

The saga continues. Mom hasnt finished the village yet and it’s starting to get to her….

Hahahaha, I mean I love this on multiple levels.  But what really threw it over the top was the mom’s anxiety over the world-building and city design being right.  I feel you vampire-hiding mom, I feel you.





And Santa’s all like, “You know, I can handle a few spelling mistakes, I got this,” and Lucifer is like “They’re addressed to me, fuck off, I’m doing it.”

Lucifer being protective of his fanmail is ceaselessly entertaining.

*deep and booming Satan voice*  “Belphagor!”

“You summoned me, Your Infernal Majesty?”

“Belphagor, do we have any Barbie dolls in our stores?”

“We certainly do.  Would you like one whose eyes glow red or one that chants Your praises in the middle of the night?”

*deep and booming Satan sigh*  “Ugh, are all our Barbies possessed?”

“I am pleased to say so, Your Infernal Majesty.”

“Well, un-possess one of them.  You heard me!  Melody Lian wants a veterinarian Barbie, the one with a cat not the one with a dog.  And Belphagor!  Make sure the cat has the right number of limbs this time.”

“And let us see, Isaiah Stanfield who asked for a musical instrument will be receiving… a kazoo?”

“The instrument I judged to be most annoying yet still within his likely ability to play, my lord!”

“So young Isaiah will receive this miserable piece of plastic, apparently the finest gift you think I can offer him from my vast holdings, on Christmas morning only to have it confiscated by his parents by New Year’s.  Leaving him with no present at all.”  *Satan grows even taller, his voice drops dangerously*  “Do you wish to make a fool of me, Belphagor?”

“N-no, Your Infernal Majesty!  Please, mercy!”

“You will have a suitable present for Isaiah by the time I return.  And I expect no more mistakes.”  *Satan storms off, muttering*  “A million demons at my beck and call and I still have to do everything in this Pit myself…”





read the full comic!

i have watched approximately 54535624664534 of these so here is my Ode to Hallmark Christmas Movies

@megatraven @sadrien


My activity page this morning is literally just this post being @ed at me. I came out to watch some lighthearted heteronormative quasi-religious flirtation over the course of exactly one week* and I’m feeling so attacked right now.

* They almost all take place over the course of exactly a week. If you watch, every single one of them towards the end will mention “this past week” or in some very rare cases “these past two weeks”. I think it’s a literal requirement that none of these movies can take place over a longer or shorter period of time. 














I can’t believe this happened. Has anyone ever decided if the shorts were canonical?

I’m gonna go with … YES!  They were produced and distributed by an official Hasbro outlet.  So, in my book, they’re canon.

I am watching this for the first time. The Vehicons are treated as people in these 30-sec vids, unlike the rest of TFP. 

One trooper wants a pony.

The mechanical ho ho ho kills me every time

This… this just killed me with laughter

[ totally claiming that M450N was in the “figgy pudding” chorus!  XD ]

//This is so beautiful XDDD “don’t make me put you in the naughty list”




Happy Hanukkah, everyone, from these two jerks! I’m posting this a little early this year. Line art by the amazing Ro Stein & Ted Brandt, and colour art by @deecunniffe. 

I want to point out what a technical achievement this story is on the art side. There’s a real joy to creating a whole story in eight panels, but this? This is some magic. We introduce four new characters. In panel 5, SIX PEOPLE are talking. SIX. In the world of comics, that’s almost un-doable. 

Yet Ro and Ted arranged everything so the conversations flow and are sensibly grouped, all the “acting” is fantastic, and then Dee laid on top these beautiful, almost fairytale colours – look at the subtle work, the blush in Henry’s cheeks, Frank’s five o-clock shadow, the shine of the wine bottle’s glass surface, the light texturing in the backgrounds… and of course the snow! This is some first-class illustration work on an incredibly hard script. (I fear Ro and Ted always get me at my worst – my very formalist script for them in the 24 Panels anthology was no cakewalk either. (The problem is, they’re just so damn good at it… check out their work on the Image comic Crowded!)

As always, if you like what we do in Hells Kitchen Movie Club, consider donating a little to a veteran’s charity. 

(I also have a thriller novel I’m crowdfunding, please check it out, we are more than halfway there. The book is all written…)

Previously in Hell: cover image // 01 // 02 // 03 // Xmas // 04 // 05 // 06 // 07 // Hanukkah // That time the Punisher’s creator gave us a thumbs-up // twitter // insta