

TIL in 1201, Genghis Khan was shot in the neck during a battle, and asked the defeated army who had shot “his horse”, trying to downplay the injury. The archer voluntarily confessed to shooting Genghis Khan and refused to beg for mercy, so the Khan spared him, turning him into a great general.

via reddit.com

“Yo, which one of you shot my ride?” Shouts Genghis Khan, 10 liters of blood obviously squirting from his jugular vein, but he is not going to start giving a fuck today or any day

“Yeah, it was me, what are you gonna do about it, Temujin?” Says Zurgadai of the Besud, AKA the Daily Zurg Rush AKA Motherfucking Steppe Legolas AKA Jebe, who had no room in his quiver for fucks either. “You mad that an archer shot an arrow and hit, you fuck, you absolute cunttyrant?”

Genghis Khan:


“My people have a tale, about a Prince –– much hated by his King –– who was banished to the underworld and jailed there. The evil King gave him the most difficult labor –– working the iron pits.  

Year after year the Prince mined the heavy ore, becoming so strong he could crush pieces of it together with his bare hands. Too late, the King realized his mistake. 

When he struck at the Prince with his finest sword – it broke in half. 

The Prince himself had become strong as iron.” 

–– Iron Man (2008), original script


Oh my gosh, so I didn’t remember seeing this part, I must have been doing something else when I was watching it so I just HAD to look for it and it was ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS. ((I know you were probably asking me to create something, but lemme just share the moment for everyone who hasn’t seen or doesn’t remember this beautiful MegaScream moment.))

So the insecticons had Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp all under mind control, and made them go after Megatron and Optimus, so Megatron shoos them away with a weak blast, and calling them fools, as per usual, but noticeably more gentle/lenient since he knows they’re under mind control, which is something Megatron himself is really sensitive about.

(Look at them run away in sync they’re really cute…. And Megatron can’t help but watch them, too. [Obviously out of concern, but come on, they really are cute.])

Once the effect burnt out when the insecticon exploded, they come running in like “What happened?”

Then BAM!

The insecticons barrel past the fliers, escaping before Megatron has a chance to punish them.

And what was that? Megatron helping Starscream up? No, my dear friend, Starscream was already standing by the time Megatron rushed up to him. This, my darling, was a pure, honest to god, hand-hold. Serving no other purpose, than to show concern for Starscream.

Heres’s a still:

Like…. Megatron reaches both hands out to Starscream, and I have no doubts he would’ve helped him up, but Starscream was too fast, so instead they share this moment of pure hand holding and a loving gaze, before chasing after the insecticons together.

This is genuinely very sweet, and also I just want to point out poor Skywarp there, who’s still struggling up from his hands and knees during this.  I just imagine him going, “Boss, can I get a hand up here?… Boss?  Boss?” while Megatron and Starscream are making heart eyes at each other. 😛