



Yes, you read it right.

As of today, November 17, 2018, any post with links, any links, even to other tumblr posts, just don’t show up anymore in tumblr’s search engine.

I just found out about it, after I posted a fic with a link to my masterlist and it got little to no notes (it shuldn’t). I was right – the moment I deleted the links, my post magically appeared in the search again. Wow.

Please spread the word to warn the others.

This affects artists who want to cross promote their work, writers who want to link to previous chapters or to a masterlist, and editors who want to link to their YouTube channels, among just a few. This new policy will kill content creators’ ability to spread their work, and for what? A poor attempt to use the algorithm to crack down on porn bots and scammers? Sad.

In the meantime, here’s what I suggest: post your work with no added links, and tell people to check the notes for your masterlist, story navigation, links to ko-fi, patreon, and other social media sites. Make sure you have all those things ready, then paste it into a reblog and have people access them that way. It’s stupid, but it’s a work around we’ll have to use until tumblr gets their act together.

Reblogging again because I need advice on creating masterpost links.

Paved with good intentions since pornbots use links in their posts, unfortunately they are hurting artists and source givers



→ AU  in which Tony is sent to Jotunheim to look for Loki, who has found allies in a familiar place. 

The stars were alien and brilliant overhead, and every inch of Tony’s body hurt inside the suit. It had been a rough landing to say the least. Asgard’s bifrost apparently had all the safety precautions of a rusty 1920’s flying fox. 

Note to self, he thought as he reached up and pulled off his broken faceplate. In future, don’t joke about Heimdall the Gatekeeper’s enormous sword.  

Asgardians and their weapons. And now their ancient icy caskets – one that a certain asshole trickster god had stolen to barter for an army. Whether Loki really was that much of a one-trick pony or had something else up his sleeve, Tony didn’t know. He didn’t really care, either. He just knew that the casket’s energy was traceable, meaning it was up to him and his suit to find the damn thing so that Scotty could beam him back up to Goldentown.

Piece of cake. As long as Loki didn’t realise he was in the vicinity, everything would go fine. His stealth cloaking was newly upgraded; nothing could find it. 

The muted creak of a footstep pressing into snow was all the warning Tony received. And wasn’t it just great timing?

“Do you know what happens to skin that touches metal in this kind of weather, Iron Man?”







Imagine your favorite robot seeing it start to snow on Earth for the first time, and they can’t resist the urge to go play around in it.


don’t think he would enjoy it that much


but then there is this one




“snow” your participating in over 132 violations of the tyrest accord, half of which involves my ship

cease and desist 


*likes to think he would angrily want to ticket all the snowflakes*